
Easy Returns

Easy Returns - No Restocking Free!

If you are not completely satisfied with your order you can return the item for a refund or request an exchange. To request a RMA number, Click Here. Please Include the order number and include the reason for the return. A representative will answer via e-mail within 24 hours. Your refund will be made to your original form of payment(excluding any discount and outbound or inbound shipping charges) within 3-5 business days after it is received in our warehouse. All close out items are non-returnable or exchangeable.

For an easy and quick refund please fill out the "Items Returned" field on the return/exchange sheet of the items being returned and provide a copy of your original packing list.

To receive an exchange, please fill out the “Items requested for exchange” field on the return/exchange sheet of the items being returned and provide a copy of your original packing list.

Please obtain a tracking number when the items are being returned by the shipper and have your Return Authorization Number referenced on the outside of the box.

Returns/Exchanges can be sent back via Post Office, UPS and FEDEX. Ship Returns to: Swags Galore, Inc., 1285 Purdytown Tpke, Lakeville, PA 18438. Customers are responsible for return shipping cost.

If you have received defective items or something in error please contact us at customerservice@swagsgalore.com or 1-800-439-0323 8:00am to 4:30pm M-F EST. Please do not ship back until you have contacted customer service.